AIT’s Professional Services Group is responsible for managing the implementation of an ERP deployment, making sure the project is properly resourced and executed. Our role with clients really starts during the sales process where we gather information about the company, its requirements, and the unique problems it is trying to solve. We get an idea of the personality and culture of the company. That gives us a great head start to hit the ground running after a contract is signed. AIT has developed a list of the top 10 keys to successful ERP deployment.
Top 10 Key Elements to a Successful ERP System Deployment
Identify and define the scope; map requirements to objectives
Prepare your data
Prepare your data
Data conversion impacts the success of an ERP implementation. Analysis and strategic decisions start at the beginning of the project. It’s critical to identify ahead of time what data will need to be transferred, with an emphasis on how many years of historical data you wish to convert, who is responsible, and how much clean-up is required. An example is when a client converts from their legacy system to CloudSuite™ Industrial (SyteLine), the client must prepare and cleanse their existing customer and vendor data. They may discover that address fields between legacy and the new systems are used differently and must be updated prior to being moved to the new system. When you consider clean up, account for the fact that a customer may not have placed an order in several years –it might be more practical to add them as a new customer rather than spend the time transferring their data over from the legacy system.