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Seize the Infor advantage


The advanced level of service that customers expect requires technology. Technology also makes this labor intensive business profitable. As a service-centric organization, you need an experienced, reliable technology partner that understands your unique business and can support your specific needs. Infor™ brings you exactly that. For over 25 years, Infor has provided organizations—from global manufacturers to family-owned companies—with enterprise solutions that meet specific industry challenges.


Infor Service Management provides deep domain expertise in the intricacies of service lifecycle management—plus the full support of a company-wide business solution. One integrated system means ultimate efficiency, speed, and company-wide access to critical information. The reliability and power of our technology has won the confidence of thousands of customers worldwide.


Combine function and strategy


Completing service requests isn’t enough. A world class service organization is also about strategy. It’s about insights into parts availability, workforce readiness, scheduling optimization, and sales opportunities. A service company today has to be smart. Managers have to make decisions quickly and with confidence, based on real-time data they know is accurate and complete. No guesses. No day-old spreadsheets from isolated systems.


Managers aren’t the only ones who need data. Providing a customer with efficient, cost-effective lifecycle management of technical equipment is a team effort, involving many departments, from accounting to warehouse management and shipping. Front-line agents, billing clerks, and scheduling/dispatch managers all require information.

Service Management- service-focused software for dealers, distributors, and manufacturers

Infor Service Management

Service-focused software for dealers, distributors, and manufacturers

Service Management- service-focused software for dealers, distributors, and manufacturers
Create a competitive edge


Highly demanding customers, shrinking product margins, and escalating expenses are among the many challenges facing service organizations today.

Providing fast, responsive service isn’t easy, especially when the industry is technical, components are complex, and the task is critical—such as keeping power on, medical equipment working, pumps and forklifts running, and buildings safe and secure. Timing is everything.


That’s why efficiency is so critical for a service organization. It’s key to responsive service—and controlling costs. Attentive service can be expensive to provide, if you don’t have streamlined processes in place. Customers, personnel, partners, subsidiaries, and franchisees all require up-to-the-minute access to information. Details drive critical decisions.

Only a fully integrated end-to-end solution can provide the company-wide access to data you need. Only advanced service-focused functionality will let you make the most of your service opportunities. When you leverage the advantages of technology, your exceptional service can be a competitive edge, a way to build solid long-term relationships with customers, leading to greater sales and profits.

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